This is a very good example of what one calls “Liberal Bullshit”.
Tim Steinert
on April 11, 2014 at 11:28 pm
Whereas, the idea we have a problem with voter fraud is what we call “Conservative Bullshit.”
Bob Johnston
on April 11, 2014 at 11:46 pm
Stanley: When you limit voting hours, require more id despite any evidence of fraud, cancel Sunday registration and voting because that is how African Americans have done it for many elections, YOU ARE PRACTICING VOTER SUPPRESSION. The only reason to limit the vote to middle class and rich whites is because you have no other constituency. You guys really believe that these groups who you are denying the vote to should not be voting. Not smart enough, not a taxpayer, not a “real”American. You realize that unless you get power now and keep restricting voting, your time in power is forever gone!
on April 12, 2014 at 4:18 am
Exactly. If you’ve grown up white and at least in a comfortable working class lifestyle, you have no idea of the subtle discrimination that still exists. Limiting people to the voting booth in any way when there is no evidence to support need for it is just wrong.
on April 12, 2014 at 4:52 pm
Michelle, totally agree! Except, I am white and grew up in a middle class/ working class lifestyle. And I DO see the subtle and not so subtle discrimination that still exists. It is something that angers me. It is not about what class or race a person is… it is about ignorance. It is really difficult for me to understand how people cannot see this is CLEARLY voter suppression.
Ellyn Ingalls
on April 12, 2014 at 4:24 am
Well said, Bob! Totally accurate here in swing state FL. We’ll be working to throw the perpetrator out of office in Nov!
Bob Johnston, thank you for a perfect assessment of voter suppression. It is obvious to those who remain objective, that the far right has evaluated the probability of re-election and come to the conclusion that without suppressing the rights of predominantly democratic voters, ie; blacks, students, hispanics and people (probably working for such wonderful places like Walmart) who work so many hours they have very little free time, they would be out!
Derrick Jones
on April 12, 2014 at 5:57 am
LMBO—-there are enormous amounts of examples of Democratic voter fraud…..Hmmm Democratic ran Supervisors of Elections, Democratic ran local, regional and state governments allowing dead people to vote (even multiple times), allowing an individual to vote more than once, passing out certain pamphlets “suggesting who to vote for”, busing people from 1 poll to another, the list goes on……Or how about this as an example or these examples *****wonder what the common denominator is in each case**** not rocket science, so stop drinking the cool aid people……
on April 12, 2014 at 1:38 pm
In what way did the case of the Ohio woman impact an election?
Paul Ivice
on April 12, 2014 at 2:54 pm
Derick, both sides commit voter fraud, which is illegal, but only Republicans try to use the power of elective office to issue edicts or pass laws that practice voter suppression.
Ron Courtney
on April 12, 2014 at 4:10 pm
If you are quoting or reading Breithbart, that tells me right off that you don’t know what you are talking about.
on April 16, 2014 at 9:49 am
And let us not forget that the voting machines themselves are almost exclusively owned by Republican aligned companies. Then there is the MASSIVE jerrymandering of districts done in order to almost guarantee GOP dominance (at least until they die off next year). And lastly, I seem to recall that when the whole issue of “voter fraud” came up a few years ago with the resulting major push to enact laws to prevent it. the only PROVEN cases on record of bona-fide voter fraud were pretty much exclusively Republican.
And that didn’t even include the “hanging chad” fraud, that put the “Worst President in Modern Times” in office
on April 12, 2014 at 6:29 am
Excellent response.
on April 12, 2014 at 7:42 am
I’d like to respond, but there’s simply too many simpletons with agendas here. Maybe one day you’ll learn
how to think correctly, but somehow I doubt it. Blissful ignorance is easy I suppose.
on April 12, 2014 at 1:01 pm
That’s a convenient excuse. A more cynical person would say you can’t refute anything he said, so you just ignore it
Muriel A
on April 12, 2014 at 8:35 am
Well said, Bob. It’s incredible that they still come up with ways to disenfranchise people after all these years.
on April 12, 2014 at 8:52 am
You forgot to mention Florida wanting to close public restrooms on election day. No better way to keep people out of line.
on April 12, 2014 at 9:13 am
Well said!
Barb L
on April 12, 2014 at 3:30 pm
Bob all so very true. But yet even though you spelled it out so simply……..they continue to argue. I admire your keeping on. Thanks.
on April 12, 2014 at 4:41 pm
Bob- VERY well said. Thank you for reading my mind and stating it so perfectly.
on April 12, 2014 at 5:12 pm
Thank you, Bob Johnston. You are so correct. But how do you get a stubborn radical self-righteous group with a gun lobby and a military industrial complex to protect to listen to facts and/or reason? I find it frustrating to even bother trying to educate the lot whose heels are dug in and with nothing more than parrot phrases and talking points to offer in return. You seem patient and willing to share information with people who desperately need it without being deterred by the stupidity you get in return. My hat is off to you, good sir; and to all good teachers.
Hello, Bob–Do tell us all: what’s so wrong with a photo ID to prove the person voting is who (s)he proports to be? I don’t know who told you to think all this drivel (i.e. NONsense), but you bought into it because someone taught you to think the way you do. The person who fears the truth is all too happy to believe a lie. Just turn to the Authority on truth, from the Bible, Ecclesiastes 10:2–“The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.”
Come out of the dark ages and join the rest of us working to save the nation before it implodes into a massive melt down. You are about to be awakened into a terribly bad dream. If you continue to think as you do, you will become the victim of your own actions, like anyone that walks around with their eyes closed. Calling names won’t help you at all. Insisting you are right won’t make it so. come out, come out, where ever you are, and look around. The truth will indeed set you free.
Stanley are you really that misinformed, why are you republicans full of angry and hate. It’s been proven the only voter fraud has been republicans. Get over it you republicans hate a black president. Smarter than you.
on April 12, 2014 at 4:19 am
Stanley, turn off Fox and tune in to the real world. Stop running scared … We are all, and I mean all, in this together. Educate yourself to what is really happening …
on April 12, 2014 at 4:43 am
If you have to suppress votes to win elections instead of presenting your ideas, it’s because your ideas suck.
If you have to lie about your agenda to win elections instead of presenting your ideas, it’s because your ideas suck.
If you have to lie about your opponent’s agenda to win elections instead of presenting your ideas, it’s because your ideas suck.
Republicans: The party of Suck.
Chris Skaggs
on April 12, 2014 at 7:00 am
Instead of making it EASIER for us to vote, your party is responsible for making it more difficult to vote. I know people of your ilk are allergic to the truth and actual facts but lie that Republicans spew about voter fraud is utter nonsense. It’s never been an issue, NEVER. What are you so afraid of? I know, you’re afraid of not being able to choose the voters instead of the voters choosing you. Brainwashed Faux news xenophobe.
Thomas Helms
on April 12, 2014 at 7:19 am
Here’s the deal on ID and voting fraud IMO…my conservative friends say it’s about protecting the integrity of the vote and I can accept that to a degree. But since all the statistics show us voter fraud is so small and the number of people disenfranchised by the “new” laws is so large, the laws, put into effect only by Republican legislatures, primarily affects the poor, the elderly and minorities, the net loss favors only one party, that of the conservatives. Now you may think that’s fair but history tells us that’s discriminatory in a democracy. So, how do you square that?
on April 12, 2014 at 7:24 am
A refreshing change from all the republican b.s.
on April 12, 2014 at 7:49 am
Ithe cartoonist could have added “racist” as well, since the GOP has become the party of black and Latino voter suppression. That’s how they made the contest close in Florida, and how they manipulated the vote in Ohio.
Urban mom
on April 12, 2014 at 12:52 pm
Then please explain why voter id has become such a phenomenon only in areas largely populated by people of color, the young and the elderly. And what’s the purpose since every legitimate study do e has shown voter fraud is not an issue. More people vote for American Idol than the presidency. Where’s all this storied voter fraud happening?
on April 11, 2014 at 10:50 pm
Eventually the ID will have to say all three, plus rich and Christian.
on April 12, 2014 at 8:10 am
and also should include NRA number
tyler durden
on April 12, 2014 at 8:30 am
You’re all brainwashed. You people really think that there is a group of white guys somewhere that are going to check to see a voter’s race, and somehow void their vote? That’s the only conclusion I can get from your reasoning. It is a fact that individuals were registered to vote in multiple states. It’s also a fact that dead people managed to register. You have to have an ID for pretty much everything else in this country. It’s irresponsible to allow voters without identifying themselves. Something else I picked up from all these posts is equally puzzling…. When did being white, Christian, or rich become bad things? I only fall into one of those categories, by the way. Would you rather have sharia law advocates in office? It’s amazing to me that the only people that aren’t racist are messaging on the page. It is possible to spewing against a person of color without being a racist, and without even taking race into account. The only people claiming race is a factor are people that stand to gain something from that narrative, and people that are just too damn stupid to see past the BS.
Urban mom
on April 12, 2014 at 1:05 pm
Um, no. There’s no voter fraud that requires ID. Yet, the GOP keeps pushing voter ID. The question you need to ask yourself, is why? Why would Florida require special ID, close the polls on weekends, close the restrooms knowing that during the last election people stood in line for as long as six hours. Why is that happening? What possible factual justification for that exists?
Dr ob
on April 12, 2014 at 1:36 pm
“It is a fact that individuals were registered to vote in multiple states.” There is, actually, a name for that. It’s called “moving”. People do it all the time. It’s not evidence of voter fraud.
on April 12, 2014 at 4:15 pm
Tyler, When you limit voting hours, require more id despite any evidence of fraud, cancel Sunday registration and voting because that is how African Americans have done it for many elections, YOU ARE PRACTICING VOTER SUPPRESSION. The only reason to limit the vote to middle class and rich whites is because you have no other constituency. You guys really believe that these groups who you are denying the vote to should not be voting. Not smart enough, not a taxpayer, not a “real”American. You realize that unless you get power now and keep restricting voting, your time in power is forever gone!
on April 11, 2014 at 11:28 pm
So, what exactly is this saying?
Did you cherrypick for the non-white voter, completely ignoring the white voters who are held to the same standard as every Tom, Jose, Joquinda, Lu and Bashir?
If you can illustrate how a blanket law that everybody would have to adhere to is racist, then please, do so. I beg you. I’m wracking my tiny little brain trying to figure this one out and coming up with ‘left boot, right boot, same pair.’
on April 11, 2014 at 11:51 pm
It’s not the law that is racist. It is the selective enforcement of the law. Precincts with typical conservative leanings and full of whites won’t see heavy enforcement.
on April 12, 2014 at 2:17 am
Yes Zim, and even from a neutral source this would look like voter suppression. “Targeting” perhaps those who traditionally vote on certain days, certain times of the day and with recent immigrant backgrounds and/or direct connections to the Civil Rights Movements of the past and present. Some would say this is not targeting but I beg to differ. This is targeting for political advantage much unlike the so called IRS “targeting” of conservative groups. Wealthy individuals get audited more often than the poor and that is not targeting. It has always been that way much like those groups who are “Gaming the political system” who should be scrutinized also.
on April 12, 2014 at 2:57 am
So basically, you’ve decided that they’re racist by nothing other than the state they happen to be born in, basically being the human being you’re complaining they are.
Prejudice and hate are prejudice and hate, regardless of what party name you cling to.
on April 13, 2014 at 2:27 am
Another subtle form of voter suppression is the lack of convenient voting locations – why do these largely Republican districts have such long lines? Because they intentionally designate few polling places that are inconveniently located. People in these districts have to walk or take public transportation for miles to wait in long lines. Everyone, think about your own polling situation… My polling place in SF, CA is two blocks away. My neighbors, same bldg have a different polling place, a couple blocks in the opposite direction. They must do it by alphabet or something so you dont get too many people at the same place/ time. All I know is that in all my voting history, in Washington, Oregon, Austin, TX and California I have never waited more than 10 minutes to exercise my right to vote.
on April 12, 2014 at 12:01 am
Apparently, like so many things concerning humanity, this has to be explained to you guys. there once were things called Jim Crow Laws that applied to EVERYONE. The problem was that the law negatively impacted a small percentage of the population. I’ll try to make it simpler for you…actually, I won’t. It would be a waste of time…kiinda like putting perfume on a pig. No one really expects you to understand. Understanding has always been a problem for the ignorant. Suffice to say that while laws apply to everyone, not everyone is negatively impacted by these laws.
on April 12, 2014 at 3:01 am
Really, explain: The ID proposed for voting is the ID we already have to be carrying about anyway *now*. Now, I’ve been to the DMV quite a bit, and I’ve never seen it only rich white males in that place, so clearly, people of race are able to get ID, or did they all jointly decide to give up all alcohol, as well as committing regulars crimes (Driving without a license).
So again, how is that racist? How does it seemingly only effect minorities? If everyone has to be IDed in order to vote, how does that translate to racism? That’s the ultimate point of fairness. No one has to buy an ID they aren’t already supposed to have by *law*, thus no financial disadvantage.
margaret montgomery
on April 12, 2014 at 10:41 am
Not all of the older people have birth certificates and can not get them because is some Southern States did not recognize them as full human. A lot of people who live in the cities do not drive. Oh by the way I am a white woman 74 years old and have lived through all this and now we have to fight all over again for the rights of everyone.
on April 12, 2014 at 4:51 am
Are you I denial that this is intended as voter suppression? They don’t sell it that way, the republican are great sellers of racist intentions and actions. By racist,I mean to African Americans, Hispanic, women, middle eastern, Asian, gays, you name it. Indiscriminate descriminaters!
on April 12, 2014 at 4:58 am
on April 12, 2014 at 5:37 am
IE: the war on drugs. Please don’t stop trying to explain injustice. Education is our only weapon. BTW.. I’m a middle class caucasian.
on April 12, 2014 at 7:45 am
Actually the Supreme Court has ruled many times that a disparate impact on a group or groups of people is not enough to make a law unconstitutional. And requiring a voter ID from the entire population is not the same a Jim Crow law. If you think so you are not well-versed in our nation’s legal history.
on April 12, 2014 at 9:20 am
You have to have some kind of ID to: Buy alcohol, buy a firearm, purchase cigarettes, open a bank account, apply for food stamps (or any other form of government aid,) apply for a job, rent or buy a house, drive a car, travel on an airplane, get married, get a pet, stay in a hotel/motel, apply for a hunting license/fishing license, buy a cell phone, pick up a prescription, donate blood, buy an M rated video game, go to an R rated film, serving on Jury Duty (which is a requirement of all citizens…), write a check, cash a check, use a credit/debit card, and to get a PO box.
Hugh Caley
on April 12, 2014 at 10:37 pm
And all of those required IDs are meant to STOP some people from doing that thing. ID for buying liquor? That’s to keep minors from buying it. And IDs for voting? That’s to keep “certain” people from voting. Good comparison.
on April 14, 2014 at 12:20 am
Yes, a voter ID is meant to keep ‘certain’ people from voting. You want to know who those certain people are? NON-CITIZENS and people who have already voted.
Erik L
on April 12, 2014 at 4:37 am
Take this the other way with voting laws that apply to everyone. Close down all rural and suburban voting places and make everyone vote in a few large buildings in the inner city. Everyone will have an equal chance to vote; some will simply have to drive a longer distance to get there. I live in Wisconsin, and I’m sure it won’t be an undue burden for those living in Ashland, bordering the west part of Lake Superior, to drive to Milwaukee to vote, right? They will have just as much right to vote as anyone else in the state. Now I’m sure some conservatives will whine about voting laws that favor the poor and African American voters, but we want to stop voter fraud, right?
Richard Aldrich
on April 12, 2014 at 4:42 am
Exactly, ,your…” little brain ” is at the root of the problem of this solution in search of a non existant problem being used to prevent full voter turn out. Stop lying to yourself…you know you cant win honestly because, thank the gods, there arent enough to win an honest election
on April 12, 2014 at 5:19 am
The law is a blanket law, but statistically affluent people (that do tend to be made up more of whites) can find time off work to vote, have multiple forms of id, and have easier methods of getting to the polling booths like a car, that aren’t bothered by this law. It’s the people that are poor, aren’t allowed time off their minimum wage weekday job (and couldn’t afford it either) can’t afford to pay the fee to have two forms of id, and don’t have a car and have to rely on underfunded public transport to get to the polls that will be pushed out of the “right” to vote. So it’s not directly racists, it’s makes it incredibly difficult for poor people to vote, and they are statistically the minorities and the people that vote against republicans. There. Does that now make sense to your limited world view?
on April 12, 2014 at 5:27 am
Will, your tiny little brain will never get it. It’s limited capacity is filled with breitbartian bullshit. Try comprehending, though the effort in Ohio to limit voting hours in some precincts but not all of them. Strangely, those precincts were in minority areas. Or demanding voter identification but denying that it be student ID’s – keeping all those liberal young people away – making drivers licenses ok but conveniently forgetting that many of the poor don’t have cars or drivers licenses. Seems to me the only boot you’re using the is far right jack boot
on April 12, 2014 at 10:37 pm
I live in Ohio. Name one place that closed early.
Shawn L
on April 12, 2014 at 6:39 am
It is pretty easy actually. First, you collect data. Then, you look at groups that typically vote against your party, such as woman and minorities. Next, you look at trends in those groups for voting, such as time, location… Now, you take this data tailor laws that specifically target the voting trends not the groups. Last, the people that enforce the laws look for specific keys to enforce the law, such as a last name “that does not sound American” or a woman.
In a democracy the only reason one would seek to limit a vote or change the rules on voting in such a fashion is if he or she felt that the “right people’ are not being represented; because, the “wrong people” are voting. So, one decides to make and enforce laws that ensure that most voters are the “right people”, such as blanket laws like poll taxes, questions to answer before voting, bean counting, and “proper” voting ID. Of course all of these are counter-productive to an actual democracy.
on April 12, 2014 at 6:51 am
If we imposed a poll tax: say every voter had to pay $500 to cast a ballot…that would be fair because it would be imposed on everyone, right? Wrong. Limiting voting hours would be unfair to citizens who work two jobs or more, can’t afford daycare while going to the polls
Will, if you are not in the one percent but rather working poor then you are correct-being white will not save you. You are in with the rest. Not about racism but about making it more difficult for working poor.
Daniel E. Chapman II
on April 12, 2014 at 11:57 pm
It’s real easy. They send out a memo to close bathrooms and booths at districts that happen to also be districts with high populations of minorities. They pass laws to require a form of ID that requires travel to a county seat, knowing that those who live in urban areas don’t necessarily have transportation to get there, disallowing things like college IDs for ID, while allowing things like a gun registration to stand in for the voter ID.
Then there’s always the “oops, we lost some of the votes for that district” which they got caught with.
Charles Lang
on April 11, 2014 at 11:44 pm
I am fairly well off, White, Male, a semi Christian …. That is between me and my God…. And think the Republicans really Stink……. If I said what I really think his would be DELEATED ….. The 1% is in Control of this country …. Thanks to the Surpreme Court…. And WE the People need to do something about it.
on April 12, 2014 at 7:06 am
Exactly as I see myself, Charles, and I am not falling for the Republican BS either. What they are doing is completely unethical, if not illegal, but since when have they ever cared about ethics or morality.
Are you people completely stupid? Do the research to see how much voter fraud there is . Then you can go hide under your beds.The election GWB, stole in his brothers state of Florida is a good example of right wing thievery. Besides direct targeting of black and brown neighborhoods with the change in voting laws there is one group that has been over looked. Poor whites urban and rural.. I lived through seeing people being denied the right to vote. I also went with my parents to see the process in action.
Instead of denying anyone their constitutional right to vote including black white brown,etc even the stupid and uninformed. Make sure everyone in this republic goes and votes.
on April 12, 2014 at 9:10 am
There is no constitutional right to vote, which is part of the problem. If you think there is, please point out where you found it – but having studied it myself, I can save you time and tell you it’s never mentioned. If there were such an enumerated right, then laws impeding that right could be challenged. Sadly, we’re stuck with what we’ve got.
on April 12, 2014 at 12:30 am
@Will – The cartoon simply points out that many Voter ID laws have *effects* that play out along race lines. The tendency of more “Joses, Joquindas, Lus and Bashirs” to find themselves in lower economic strata corresponds to the trend of greater difficulty setting aside the time and money that it takes to procure an ID at that socioeconomic level. The author thinks, as do I, that this is a knowable set of facts, such that the authors of the legislation at the very least accepted the resultant imbalance in passing such a law. Others might think that they *intended* to pass a law that would create an obstacle to voting for people who would have to choose between a day’s wages and getting the proper credentials to vote. Intended or not, the question of racism lies in what we do about a law that clearly will result in a negative impact on some races regarding their most important right and duty as citizens.
on April 12, 2014 at 6:44 am
So…how exactly does someone with no ID to speak of, lose a days wages?
How does this person have a job? Illegally?
You need an ID to exist in the United States. Come on….
D. Davis
on April 12, 2014 at 12:35 am
This country will always be racist and with the voters ID is a joke the republican is trying to make sure the put back a WHITE MAN to run this country.. The people of the lower class and middle class and some rich showed the people who they wanted and he won. President Obama being black showed White AMERICAN PEOPLE that they are not the only one that can run this country.. He open the DOOR for any race of people to be PRESIDENT. But white white American will continue to do what very they can to WIN..
Erik L
on April 12, 2014 at 4:56 am
Yup. The same group of people who want voter ID at the polls also believe our president’s own credentials that he was even born here were fake. Arizona SB 1070 allowed police to demand ID from those who they had a reasonable belief were illegal immigrants. God forbid they left their wallet at home when they went out to walk their dog.
Fred Tiedemann
on April 12, 2014 at 12:46 am
Voter fraud??? Really??? It’s been proven there were countless dem voters who were dead already. I won’t belabor the point but will stand on this bite of crap-why does an electoral coeve need employment to define what the fuxkinv voter wants? Why do we need to sector the voters to cerry politicians? If you look at New York where I am from you’ll see they vote republican by a landslide excepting for districts trained to vote dem. How is that working for y’all by the way ?
I love cross country in a 30 plus year career in the military:…no matter where I was stationed I was amazed how many people saying we didn’t core for him . … And it was only said against Clinton and Obama .
Get rid the colleges (electoral) and establish a true vote. The we the people element has been silenced.
Calling us racists and other crap only takes us out the fight . Trust me- you want us to fight together.
Sorry Fred; people who sit on their head can’t read the ballot. My father had a dialog like you and I thought he was pretty smart. They I learned that if I just shut up and listened to everyone around me, there were really very few who truly thought the way he did. There is a reason that everyone around you is in agreement. Water seeks it’s own level and shit floats.
Mark Mywordz
on April 12, 2014 at 3:04 am
It’s working out just fine for the millions who now have health insurance, for the millions whose investments have grown by leaps and bounds, and for those who value having a leader with the best interests of all U.S. Citizens at heart. Turn off Fox News for a week so you can learn the truth.
on April 12, 2014 at 3:46 am
Sorry does not wash. They have not been able to prove wide spread voter fraud. Thank god in PA the courts struck down our voter suppression law do to “Voting laws are designed to assure a free and fair election” because “The voter ID law does not further this goal.”.
The fraud is that these laws are trying to be passed to disallow legal voters from making their vote count.. Even by your post give misinformation about your trends in NY.
We the people has not been silenced. There has always been an electoral college. Jefferson, Madison, Washington, and Franklin did not believe that the American people could or would be able to make the right choice. So they designed the electoral college.
on April 12, 2014 at 5:36 am
I’m fine with the electoral college going away.If that had been the case in 2000, we wouldn’t have had the travesty of the George W. Cheney dictatorship. (Yeah…Gore won the popular vote..) And the voter fraud by the dems of which you speak….. same crap I hear spouted by the FAUX News crowd.. well actually, not so much now. Too many right-wing politicians have been caught on tape admitting the real purpose of these voter suppression laws.
on April 12, 2014 at 5:37 am
It’s been proven that countless dead voters voted? Really??? Show even one study that has found that. For those of us living in the real world the facts are that the amount of voter fraud that has been found is less than half of a percent, and the majority of that was absentee ballot fraud, mostly perpetrated by republicans.
You seem to have trouble spelling or communicating coherently, but you seem to be asking why we need a census to establish congressional districts. The answer is that while the total number of representatives in the House doesn’t change, the Constitution establishes that the number allocated to each state will be based on a census every ten years. If the number of representatives changes in a state, then then borders of the associated districts need to change.
The problem with the way districts are being redrawn is that whatever party has the majority in each state gets to decide district boundaries. What has been done for years by both parties is what is called “gerrymandering,” named for a governor of Massachusetts who created a district that was so convoluted to ensure that the majority of voters in it were from his party, that it looked like a “salamander.” The last census was in 2010, when republicans won a majority of state elections, so most of the districts in republican controlled states are totally irrational, but ensure that no matter what a republican candidate does, there is little chance they will lose. Both parties do this and it should be stopped by having non-partisan commissions established to draw district boundaries, like they have in several states.
You only heard from people who voted republican because people tend to congregate with like minded people. In addition, people tend to hear those things that agree with their views and tune out those that don’t. It is called confirmation bias, and you seem to have an extreme case. The president won both of his last elections NOT through any fraud, but because the majority voted for him. He won a larger percentage of the popular vote than the electoral college would indicate. In other words he won fairly, and much more fairly than Bush did in either of his elections.
Voter ID laws, restricting voting hours, eliminating weekend voting, and all the other schemes being put in place in republican controlled states have only one purpose, to suppress votes from people likely to vote democratic. Why else would you have laws that reduce the number of voting machines in districts that have primarily minority residents, while increasing them in “white” districts, even though there are more voters in the districts in which the number of machines were reduced. This is really happening in North Carolina and other states. People said that Jim Crow laws sounded reasonable too. People like you in the late 19th century said things like, “what’s wrong with requiring voters to prove that they can read and write?” Of course the problem was that such laws tended to exclude only certain voters.
Voting is a fundamental right in this country, not some privilege. We should make it as easy as possible, not try to find ways to make it hard.
on April 12, 2014 at 6:53 am
Lol .. Fred never heard anyone say anything against Bush. Now that’s selective hearing! Fred has it occured to you that you never heard dissent against a republican because of the circles you run in? You never noticed people with petitions and information about Bush, Cheney and Iraq?? Really? We had a world leader call Bush the devil at a U.N. meeting..maybe you missed that?
on April 12, 2014 at 7:09 am
You do understand Obama won both the popular and electoral vote both times?
Thomas N. Andersen
on April 12, 2014 at 12:54 am
The American way of voter registration is weird…. in Denmark, when you turn 18, you vote… you don´t need to register… problem solved 😛
on April 12, 2014 at 1:47 am
If the electoral college was not involved with the 2000 election, Bush wouldn’t have been elected.Oh how nice that would have been.
on April 12, 2014 at 2:00 am
The funny part is that everyone can see the treachery of these practices. How could we put the shoe on the proverbial other foot to help with UNDERSTANDING? Hmmm! Let me think! Eureka! If it can be proved in a court of law that any 1%ter is not paying a living wage with an annual cost of living raise then the people (government) may freeze and take all assets both domestically and abroad. That is fair and applies to every entrepreneur no matter their race. Albeit, I think that law will impact one particular race more than the others. However, according to the logic of some on this thread that is equal application. Since those individuals tend to like playing the reverse racism card I brought along a little reverse racism satire. Check out this video on YouTube:
What these little neck republicans don’t understand is one day, only if you have an income of $250, 000.00 will you be allowed to vote. But stupid is what stupid do.
on April 12, 2014 at 3:50 am
The best part of the Right’s voter suppression strategy will be watching it backfire.
Human nature 101: Keep a person from doing something and s/he will want it even more.
People who would have normally stayed home on voting day and watched their illegal download of Game of Thrones will now stand in 7 hour lines in the rain or heat, because these asshats in the Right tried to keep them away.
“Oh, you try and keep me from voting? OK, I’ll show you!”
on April 12, 2014 at 4:49 am
While the cartoon is funny and there is some element of truth, there is an even bigger problem. We live in a classist society and the 1% keep themselves in power by keeping the lower and middle classes divided. The wealthy keep the majority divided because imagine the serious upset to the status quo if the majority banded together on a united front. All it would take would be a simple majority
deciding to boycott a global corporation like Wal Mart and watch how quickly the mighty fall. This is why the wealthy seek to pass laws preventing assembly and making it harder to pass the word out. A house divided ensures that it remains conquered. Racism could argguably be encouraged by the 1% because it keeps the majority further divided.
on April 12, 2014 at 4:58 am
Yeah ! Only real americans should vote ! Thus , no black , no white , no asians , no hispanic, etc….. ONLY , real Americans . The Native Americans .
on April 12, 2014 at 5:00 am
there is no voter fraud… by claiming voter fraud is the only idiots like george W. can get elected… oops there is another way… getting the supreme court to do it for you.
Corbin Golec
on April 12, 2014 at 6:33 am
The whole voter I.D. law is just another non-answer to a real problem, unless we’ve magically turned into Afghanistan overnight (of which I never got a memo about) vote fraud here in America only happens when Fox news needs ratings. These restrictions of voters and refusal to make Election day a national calendar day are the actual forms of vote fraud.
on April 12, 2014 at 6:44 am
When the voter restrictions include:
limiting hours (so people who work evening shifts, or dont get time off to vote cant vote) – it is targeting a class of people
limiting days (so people who cant take time off during the week) – it is targeting a class of people
The US is becoming less and less a democracy, between gerrymandering and voter suppression laws – the US is more and more like Russia
on April 12, 2014 at 7:24 am
this is some ignorant sh!t. it’s common sense to require id in order to vote, don’t you think? is that too much to ask? after all voting is more significant than buying cigarettes, which also requires id. is having an id a privilege that only the rich can afford? wtf! if you’re not responsible enough to get an id, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
on April 12, 2014 at 11:35 am
No, I don’t think it’s common sense, especially since the materials required to get many of these voter IDs are things that many people, especially poor don’t have. There are plenty of people, especially poor people living in cities, who don’t have a driver’s license. In lieu of that they are asked to produce a birth certificate or passport to get an ID, both of which would cost money to get if you didn’t have one. That essentially means that people would have to pay to vote, and there are plenty of people who couldn’t afford to do so.
The argument that “you need an ID for other things, so shouldn’t you need one for voting” is a red herring. Voting is a fundamental right, buying cigarettes is NOT. Voting should be as easy as possible. There is next to no in person voter fraud that has been found in any elections in this country, so requiring voter ID is a solution in search of a problem. Why pass these laws if there has been no evidence of fraud? There is NO need to do it other than because republicans know that it disenfranchises minorities and the poor disproportionally and those are constituencies less likely to vote for their candidates. The only reason that you and sheeple on the right think there has been fraud is because you listen to right wing media outlets who have purposely been spreading lies about this to support their drive to disenfranchise voters they don’t think will vote for them.
Scott O.
on April 12, 2014 at 2:22 pm
The Democrats don’t want these laws because they say the poor cannot get an ID without it being a hardship. The people who are running get huge amounts of money for their campaign, they could easily set up a system to help those poor people to get proper ID. I want all to get a chance to vote and would be happy to volunteer my time to help others get ID, I don’t care if they are Dem or Rep nut I don’t want the dead to vote on either side. Lets get people voting and get rid of the fraud so that one side or the other can no longer yell foul.
Hugh Caley
on April 12, 2014 at 10:46 pm
Scott, there isn’t any significant voter fraud. There just isn’t. Establishing voter ID laws is meant to prevent people who generally vote for Democrats from voting. That’s all. And you’re for this?
Frank A.
on April 12, 2014 at 7:36 am
Laughable. To suggest that requiring someone to prove they are legally allowed to vote is somehow racist, is just laughable. Its hard to argue with stupid.
on April 12, 2014 at 11:37 am
Yep, it’s hard to argue with how stupid you are.
on April 12, 2014 at 7:47 am
You do know that Clinton, Gore and Obama all won the popular vote.
Dave Jennings
on April 12, 2014 at 8:13 am
What is not wrong with it: your alive, you are an eligible US citizen, you are only voting once. It is obvious Marxist Liberals are trying to add the illegal aliens on as their voters. It would not be possible to convince informed productive voters to vote for Marxist, that have failed all over the world throughout time…so you have to lie, cheat and steal…
on April 12, 2014 at 11:39 am
Nice incoherent rantings. Come back when you have something sane to say. People should be able to vote for whomever they choose and based on whatever beliefs they have.
L Ballard
on April 12, 2014 at 8:28 am
First of all….. Voting doesn’t matter. Discussion on voter fraud or access to the polls is a distraction. The two party system is a scam. Outwardly, they discuss different positions but once they are in office a different (hidden) agenda is what is important and they are on the same side. The talk and what the media reports is to distract what they are really doing behind the scenes. Please look behind the curtain folks.
on April 12, 2014 at 11:40 am
Not true, there is a real difference. The problem is that most democrats today are centrist rather than progressive, and republicans are bat$hit crazy to the right. You have been listening to the racist rantings of Ron Paul and his idiot son Rand a little too long.
on April 12, 2014 at 8:44 am
Sorry…. Noyt Buying this. All the ID is needed for is to show #1 you are legally able to vote- ie. a legal resident, and proper age. # 2 you are voting at the right location and only one vote per person……. That’s all. It does not care about anything else….. all these other “complaints” of voter suppression, etc. are equally bogus…..
If you dont want IDs shall we do what other places and make voters ink their fingers after voting?
on April 12, 2014 at 8:45 am
If you are too stupid to get an ID, do us all a favor and do not vote.
on April 12, 2014 at 9:05 am
Hi Fred,
So you “love cross country”?
And you “didn’t core for him?”
And you mention an “electoral coeve”. What is that exactly?
I’m sure you have a valid opinion, but maybe instead of getting really angry and throwing random letters on the computer, maybe just take a breath and consider all sides. Remove the anger so that you can reply with your intelligence instead of emotion. If your anger allows you to miscommunicate so poorly on a public forum just think about how your anger can block ration thoughts from entering your mind. Relax and use your intelligence.
on April 12, 2014 at 9:13 am
And people wonder why racism is still around. Because every god damn thing involves race. It’s sad really.
on April 12, 2014 at 9:22 am
It should be easy and convenient to vote. It is a right that we should be encouraged to exercise. I vote by mail in my state. Simple, convenient, private.
on April 12, 2014 at 9:38 am
Oppression by exclusion. Its the Great American way!
I’m from India and have been living in the US fora couple of years now…..I admire and respect this country and its principles of freedom , opportunity etc. However Iam equally amazed and saddened to see that even in this day and age voter suppression is used as a strategic tool by some groups. This country stands for democracy, equal opportunity and rights…..but I’m afraid you cannot be proud of the elaborate and systematic manner in which a large cross section of people are being prevented from voting.
In India, we have our share of problems – we haven’t figured out how to deal with poverty, corruption, abuse of the girl child etc…
But we are very proud of our democratic process…..
I wish the people in the US can shed their liberal vs conservative biases and make this country a role model democracy….
I’d live to know who all these dead democrat voters are…FoxNews has really fried your brains. All of the voter ID/suppression initiatives are republican sponsored…fact. You people have found a great solution in search of a problem. You’re always waving the flag with the constitution in your other hand. If you were real Americans you’d be as concerned with increasing votership among our citizens. Wake up!
on April 12, 2014 at 1:45 pm
It is all just a ploy, for both sides, to pretend voting actually changes anything. They have to keep up appearances or else you might realize they are all puppets of the same corporations and military-industrial complex.
Scott O.
on April 12, 2014 at 2:08 pm
How many people, of voting age do not have some kind of ID/ My son who is 19 but does not drive has 2 ID.
As for those saying we should not have a law because some people will abuse it, why don’t we make murder legal since some people don’t follow that law.
on April 12, 2014 at 4:48 pm
I can”t understand how some people can be locked in a information bubble. You mean to tell me that every other News Agency in the country other than Fox News is hiding voter fraud?? If there was that much fraud it would be easy to detect and report on. All I can say is I hope you all pop that bubble before the air runs out. Remember your facts about the 2012 elections. Pop the bubble!!!
Ronald Jr.
on April 13, 2014 at 12:39 am
Where was this voter fraud law during the george bush era? It seems as though alot of us have short memories. It just seems ironic that when a republican canidate (who actually stole an election due to voter fraud) is elected POTUS, no one decides to make these laws. Now on the other hand when a (black) Democrat canidate wins the election by a landslide, it is due to some kind of “voter fraud”. Its not logical for people to believe that these laws aren’t selective and racist. There has never been a “voter fraud” incident of this proportion up until we elected our first black president. So who’s really being naive?
on April 13, 2014 at 2:08 am
I’m going to volunteer to help people register to vote and get out to vote. I hope that despite the many voting restrictions proposed or passed by the right-controlled legislatures, everyone who wants to exercise their right to vote will do so. Given recent elections, such as in no-longer-red-but-purple Virginia, and given these restrictive measures, by right-controlled legislatures, it’s clear the current GOP party is afraid of people like me, multi-ethnic and female. It’s clear they know they cannot absorb me into their misguided politics; so rather than change from within or find ways to connect and engage with my community, they turn against legislation that would help me and turn for legislation that would restrict my rights. It’s not about voter fraud, it’s clear the GOP is afraid to lose more elections. Because they are losing. And they are losing by their own actions.
Christopher Green
on April 13, 2014 at 7:05 am
Fact Is;
In order to register to vote, & get a voter’s registration card, you have to have ID.
If you are voting for the first time in your state and are registering by mail,
Federal law requires you to show proof of identification the first time you vote.
This proof of identification includes the following (or if voting by mail, a COPY of the following):
A current and valid photo identification; OR
A current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or government document that shows your name and address.
Federal law does not require you to show proof of identification at the polling place or when voting by mail.
So there you have it.
You showed you ID when you registered to vote.
on April 13, 2014 at 8:52 am
What I want to know is how do you tell if the fraud was done by a Republican or a Democrat? For instance, how do you know who registered this so called “dead person” ??????
Lane Russell
on April 13, 2014 at 1:53 pm
This is a blatant lie. When you are required to show ID to buy cigarettes and alcohol, play in a casino, pick up prescriptions, open a bank account, drive, or do any of a million different normal things, only a liar bent on voter fraud will cry racism when confronted with the prospect of voter ID.
on April 14, 2014 at 8:39 am
Make no mistake.. This is about consolidating power and keeping those other people (minorities) in their place. The right leaning court is helping the politically right of this country hold onto whatever power they can for as long as it can. From this point on, across the south, people on the left and people of color are going to have to become even more diligent about watching what is going on in their own local polling centers. The people on the right had better start paying attention, the more you close people out of a process, the more they react. If some small town in Alabama decides it’s going to keep people of color from voting and the Court has taken away the tools for them to fight back, things could get ugly in a hurry. The right had also better not get too smug and had better be diligent about keeping the process on the up and up, because what goes around comes around and that day of reckoning will come, probably sooner than they think and no amount of gerrymandering redistricting or voter suppression will be able to stop it.”
on April 14, 2014 at 8:50 am
The stats on this are pretty clear, with voter fraud accounting for way less than one percent in any given election. SO,..If you take into consideration that this statistic includes both parties and the margin for error. Voter fraud does not really exist as a threat anywhere. Gerrymandering and voter id laws are absolutely about consolidating power.
Christopher Green
on April 14, 2014 at 9:41 am
You see, they legislated stiffer laws against drunk drivers, stiffer laws against driving distracted, stiffer laws against gun violence, & more.
None of these laws have collateral damages or affect the victims.
Why haven’t the conservatives legislated stiffer laws against those that commit voter fraud?
The answer….
Because there really is no out of control voter fraud as they claim.
Fact is,
Just like anything in our organized society,
You will find the occasional violator, but that does not make it a mass conspiracy by one group or political party.
It is quite obvious, .. the republicans by passing voter suppression laws under the pretext of preventing voter fraud and safeguarding election integrity.
These voter suppression laws take many forms, and collectively lead to significant burdens for eligible voters trying to exercise their most fundamental constitutional right.
Especially, poor, working class, & minorities.
R Steven
on April 15, 2014 at 11:37 pm
My god the level of stupid here is astounding. Shouting down everyone who mentions voter fraud as being racists and GOP bashing… YOU ALL are the problem. Lets do our best to not have a reasoned debate, instead lets throw out insults, stats that don’t exist and for all the “FAUX” News bashing, not a single one of you have bothered listing any references to support your own points. How about the disenfranchising of the Military Vote? Here are some non-fox news sources for you to not read while you scream, pull your hair and call me a kool-aid drinking GOP anti-female racist bigot.
A little research and you can find a lot of information to use in a reasoned debate. Have your own opinion but blaming the Rich, the GOP, the White guys, ID laws and anyone other than your own damn selves for our current situation is just down right ignorant.
On the opposite hand, with frauds perpetrated in most means of schemes, insurance firms welcome all of the support, proofs and documentation that may be had.
It has microwave, refrigerator, TV, remote spotlight and generator which
feels you such as your home. The Prosecutor’s Office says it can be investigating to find out if there has been any criminal wrongdoing by APK.
Left out the words “rich” and “christian”. ;D
This is a very good example of what one calls “Liberal Bullshit”.
Whereas, the idea we have a problem with voter fraud is what we call “Conservative Bullshit.”
Stanley: When you limit voting hours, require more id despite any evidence of fraud, cancel Sunday registration and voting because that is how African Americans have done it for many elections, YOU ARE PRACTICING VOTER SUPPRESSION. The only reason to limit the vote to middle class and rich whites is because you have no other constituency. You guys really believe that these groups who you are denying the vote to should not be voting. Not smart enough, not a taxpayer, not a “real”American. You realize that unless you get power now and keep restricting voting, your time in power is forever gone!
Exactly. If you’ve grown up white and at least in a comfortable working class lifestyle, you have no idea of the subtle discrimination that still exists. Limiting people to the voting booth in any way when there is no evidence to support need for it is just wrong.
Michelle, totally agree! Except, I am white and grew up in a middle class/ working class lifestyle. And I DO see the subtle and not so subtle discrimination that still exists. It is something that angers me. It is not about what class or race a person is… it is about ignorance. It is really difficult for me to understand how people cannot see this is CLEARLY voter suppression.
Well said, Bob! Totally accurate here in swing state FL. We’ll be working to throw the perpetrator out of office in Nov!
Bob Johnston, thank you for a perfect assessment of voter suppression. It is obvious to those who remain objective, that the far right has evaluated the probability of re-election and come to the conclusion that without suppressing the rights of predominantly democratic voters, ie; blacks, students, hispanics and people (probably working for such wonderful places like Walmart) who work so many hours they have very little free time, they would be out!
LMBO—-there are enormous amounts of examples of Democratic voter fraud…..Hmmm Democratic ran Supervisors of Elections, Democratic ran local, regional and state governments allowing dead people to vote (even multiple times), allowing an individual to vote more than once, passing out certain pamphlets “suggesting who to vote for”, busing people from 1 poll to another, the list goes on……Or how about this as an example or these examples *****wonder what the common denominator is in each case**** not rocket science, so stop drinking the cool aid people……
In what way did the case of the Ohio woman impact an election?
Derick, both sides commit voter fraud, which is illegal, but only Republicans try to use the power of elective office to issue edicts or pass laws that practice voter suppression.
If you are quoting or reading Breithbart, that tells me right off that you don’t know what you are talking about.
And let us not forget that the voting machines themselves are almost exclusively owned by Republican aligned companies. Then there is the MASSIVE jerrymandering of districts done in order to almost guarantee GOP dominance (at least until they die off next year). And lastly, I seem to recall that when the whole issue of “voter fraud” came up a few years ago with the resulting major push to enact laws to prevent it. the only PROVEN cases on record of bona-fide voter fraud were pretty much exclusively Republican.
And that didn’t even include the “hanging chad” fraud, that put the “Worst President in Modern Times” in office
Excellent response.
I’d like to respond, but there’s simply too many simpletons with agendas here. Maybe one day you’ll learn
how to think correctly, but somehow I doubt it. Blissful ignorance is easy I suppose.
That’s a convenient excuse. A more cynical person would say you can’t refute anything he said, so you just ignore it
Well said, Bob. It’s incredible that they still come up with ways to disenfranchise people after all these years.
You forgot to mention Florida wanting to close public restrooms on election day. No better way to keep people out of line.
Well said!
Bob all so very true. But yet even though you spelled it out so simply……..they continue to argue. I admire your keeping on. Thanks.
Bob- VERY well said. Thank you for reading my mind and stating it so perfectly.
Thank you, Bob Johnston. You are so correct. But how do you get a stubborn radical self-righteous group with a gun lobby and a military industrial complex to protect to listen to facts and/or reason? I find it frustrating to even bother trying to educate the lot whose heels are dug in and with nothing more than parrot phrases and talking points to offer in return. You seem patient and willing to share information with people who desperately need it without being deterred by the stupidity you get in return. My hat is off to you, good sir; and to all good teachers.
Hello, Bob–Do tell us all: what’s so wrong with a photo ID to prove the person voting is who (s)he proports to be? I don’t know who told you to think all this drivel (i.e. NONsense), but you bought into it because someone taught you to think the way you do. The person who fears the truth is all too happy to believe a lie. Just turn to the Authority on truth, from the Bible, Ecclesiastes 10:2–“The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.”
Come out of the dark ages and join the rest of us working to save the nation before it implodes into a massive melt down. You are about to be awakened into a terribly bad dream. If you continue to think as you do, you will become the victim of your own actions, like anyone that walks around with their eyes closed. Calling names won’t help you at all. Insisting you are right won’t make it so. come out, come out, where ever you are, and look around. The truth will indeed set you free.
Stanley are you really that misinformed, why are you republicans full of angry and hate. It’s been proven the only voter fraud has been republicans. Get over it you republicans hate a black president. Smarter than you.
Stanley, turn off Fox and tune in to the real world. Stop running scared … We are all, and I mean all, in this together. Educate yourself to what is really happening …
If you have to suppress votes to win elections instead of presenting your ideas, it’s because your ideas suck.
If you have to lie about your agenda to win elections instead of presenting your ideas, it’s because your ideas suck.
If you have to lie about your opponent’s agenda to win elections instead of presenting your ideas, it’s because your ideas suck.
Republicans: The party of Suck.
Instead of making it EASIER for us to vote, your party is responsible for making it more difficult to vote. I know people of your ilk are allergic to the truth and actual facts but lie that Republicans spew about voter fraud is utter nonsense. It’s never been an issue, NEVER. What are you so afraid of? I know, you’re afraid of not being able to choose the voters instead of the voters choosing you. Brainwashed Faux news xenophobe.
Here’s the deal on ID and voting fraud IMO…my conservative friends say it’s about protecting the integrity of the vote and I can accept that to a degree. But since all the statistics show us voter fraud is so small and the number of people disenfranchised by the “new” laws is so large, the laws, put into effect only by Republican legislatures, primarily affects the poor, the elderly and minorities, the net loss favors only one party, that of the conservatives. Now you may think that’s fair but history tells us that’s discriminatory in a democracy. So, how do you square that?
A refreshing change from all the republican b.s.
Ithe cartoonist could have added “racist” as well, since the GOP has become the party of black and Latino voter suppression. That’s how they made the contest close in Florida, and how they manipulated the vote in Ohio.
Then please explain why voter id has become such a phenomenon only in areas largely populated by people of color, the young and the elderly. And what’s the purpose since every legitimate study do e has shown voter fraud is not an issue. More people vote for American Idol than the presidency. Where’s all this storied voter fraud happening?
Eventually the ID will have to say all three, plus rich and Christian.
and also should include NRA number
You’re all brainwashed. You people really think that there is a group of white guys somewhere that are going to check to see a voter’s race, and somehow void their vote? That’s the only conclusion I can get from your reasoning. It is a fact that individuals were registered to vote in multiple states. It’s also a fact that dead people managed to register. You have to have an ID for pretty much everything else in this country. It’s irresponsible to allow voters without identifying themselves. Something else I picked up from all these posts is equally puzzling…. When did being white, Christian, or rich become bad things? I only fall into one of those categories, by the way. Would you rather have sharia law advocates in office? It’s amazing to me that the only people that aren’t racist are messaging on the page. It is possible to spewing against a person of color without being a racist, and without even taking race into account. The only people claiming race is a factor are people that stand to gain something from that narrative, and people that are just too damn stupid to see past the BS.
Um, no. There’s no voter fraud that requires ID. Yet, the GOP keeps pushing voter ID. The question you need to ask yourself, is why? Why would Florida require special ID, close the polls on weekends, close the restrooms knowing that during the last election people stood in line for as long as six hours. Why is that happening? What possible factual justification for that exists?
“It is a fact that individuals were registered to vote in multiple states.” There is, actually, a name for that. It’s called “moving”. People do it all the time. It’s not evidence of voter fraud.
Tyler, When you limit voting hours, require more id despite any evidence of fraud, cancel Sunday registration and voting because that is how African Americans have done it for many elections, YOU ARE PRACTICING VOTER SUPPRESSION. The only reason to limit the vote to middle class and rich whites is because you have no other constituency. You guys really believe that these groups who you are denying the vote to should not be voting. Not smart enough, not a taxpayer, not a “real”American. You realize that unless you get power now and keep restricting voting, your time in power is forever gone!
So, what exactly is this saying?
Did you cherrypick for the non-white voter, completely ignoring the white voters who are held to the same standard as every Tom, Jose, Joquinda, Lu and Bashir?
If you can illustrate how a blanket law that everybody would have to adhere to is racist, then please, do so. I beg you. I’m wracking my tiny little brain trying to figure this one out and coming up with ‘left boot, right boot, same pair.’
It’s not the law that is racist. It is the selective enforcement of the law. Precincts with typical conservative leanings and full of whites won’t see heavy enforcement.
Yes Zim, and even from a neutral source this would look like voter suppression. “Targeting” perhaps those who traditionally vote on certain days, certain times of the day and with recent immigrant backgrounds and/or direct connections to the Civil Rights Movements of the past and present. Some would say this is not targeting but I beg to differ. This is targeting for political advantage much unlike the so called IRS “targeting” of conservative groups. Wealthy individuals get audited more often than the poor and that is not targeting. It has always been that way much like those groups who are “Gaming the political system” who should be scrutinized also.
So basically, you’ve decided that they’re racist by nothing other than the state they happen to be born in, basically being the human being you’re complaining they are.
Prejudice and hate are prejudice and hate, regardless of what party name you cling to.
Another subtle form of voter suppression is the lack of convenient voting locations – why do these largely Republican districts have such long lines? Because they intentionally designate few polling places that are inconveniently located. People in these districts have to walk or take public transportation for miles to wait in long lines. Everyone, think about your own polling situation… My polling place in SF, CA is two blocks away. My neighbors, same bldg have a different polling place, a couple blocks in the opposite direction. They must do it by alphabet or something so you dont get too many people at the same place/ time. All I know is that in all my voting history, in Washington, Oregon, Austin, TX and California I have never waited more than 10 minutes to exercise my right to vote.
Apparently, like so many things concerning humanity, this has to be explained to you guys. there once were things called Jim Crow Laws that applied to EVERYONE. The problem was that the law negatively impacted a small percentage of the population. I’ll try to make it simpler for you…actually, I won’t. It would be a waste of time…kiinda like putting perfume on a pig. No one really expects you to understand. Understanding has always been a problem for the ignorant. Suffice to say that while laws apply to everyone, not everyone is negatively impacted by these laws.
Really, explain: The ID proposed for voting is the ID we already have to be carrying about anyway *now*. Now, I’ve been to the DMV quite a bit, and I’ve never seen it only rich white males in that place, so clearly, people of race are able to get ID, or did they all jointly decide to give up all alcohol, as well as committing regulars crimes (Driving without a license).
So again, how is that racist? How does it seemingly only effect minorities? If everyone has to be IDed in order to vote, how does that translate to racism? That’s the ultimate point of fairness. No one has to buy an ID they aren’t already supposed to have by *law*, thus no financial disadvantage.
Not all of the older people have birth certificates and can not get them because is some Southern States did not recognize them as full human. A lot of people who live in the cities do not drive. Oh by the way I am a white woman 74 years old and have lived through all this and now we have to fight all over again for the rights of everyone.
Are you I denial that this is intended as voter suppression? They don’t sell it that way, the republican are great sellers of racist intentions and actions. By racist,I mean to African Americans, Hispanic, women, middle eastern, Asian, gays, you name it. Indiscriminate descriminaters!
IE: the war on drugs. Please don’t stop trying to explain injustice. Education is our only weapon. BTW.. I’m a middle class caucasian.
Actually the Supreme Court has ruled many times that a disparate impact on a group or groups of people is not enough to make a law unconstitutional. And requiring a voter ID from the entire population is not the same a Jim Crow law. If you think so you are not well-versed in our nation’s legal history.
You have to have some kind of ID to: Buy alcohol, buy a firearm, purchase cigarettes, open a bank account, apply for food stamps (or any other form of government aid,) apply for a job, rent or buy a house, drive a car, travel on an airplane, get married, get a pet, stay in a hotel/motel, apply for a hunting license/fishing license, buy a cell phone, pick up a prescription, donate blood, buy an M rated video game, go to an R rated film, serving on Jury Duty (which is a requirement of all citizens…), write a check, cash a check, use a credit/debit card, and to get a PO box.
And all of those required IDs are meant to STOP some people from doing that thing. ID for buying liquor? That’s to keep minors from buying it. And IDs for voting? That’s to keep “certain” people from voting. Good comparison.
Yes, a voter ID is meant to keep ‘certain’ people from voting. You want to know who those certain people are? NON-CITIZENS and people who have already voted.
Take this the other way with voting laws that apply to everyone. Close down all rural and suburban voting places and make everyone vote in a few large buildings in the inner city. Everyone will have an equal chance to vote; some will simply have to drive a longer distance to get there. I live in Wisconsin, and I’m sure it won’t be an undue burden for those living in Ashland, bordering the west part of Lake Superior, to drive to Milwaukee to vote, right? They will have just as much right to vote as anyone else in the state. Now I’m sure some conservatives will whine about voting laws that favor the poor and African American voters, but we want to stop voter fraud, right?
Exactly, ,your…” little brain ” is at the root of the problem of this solution in search of a non existant problem being used to prevent full voter turn out. Stop lying to yourself…you know you cant win honestly because, thank the gods, there arent enough to win an honest election
The law is a blanket law, but statistically affluent people (that do tend to be made up more of whites) can find time off work to vote, have multiple forms of id, and have easier methods of getting to the polling booths like a car, that aren’t bothered by this law. It’s the people that are poor, aren’t allowed time off their minimum wage weekday job (and couldn’t afford it either) can’t afford to pay the fee to have two forms of id, and don’t have a car and have to rely on underfunded public transport to get to the polls that will be pushed out of the “right” to vote. So it’s not directly racists, it’s makes it incredibly difficult for poor people to vote, and they are statistically the minorities and the people that vote against republicans. There. Does that now make sense to your limited world view?
Will, your tiny little brain will never get it. It’s limited capacity is filled with breitbartian bullshit. Try comprehending, though the effort in Ohio to limit voting hours in some precincts but not all of them. Strangely, those precincts were in minority areas. Or demanding voter identification but denying that it be student ID’s – keeping all those liberal young people away – making drivers licenses ok but conveniently forgetting that many of the poor don’t have cars or drivers licenses. Seems to me the only boot you’re using the is far right jack boot
I live in Ohio. Name one place that closed early.
It is pretty easy actually. First, you collect data. Then, you look at groups that typically vote against your party, such as woman and minorities. Next, you look at trends in those groups for voting, such as time, location… Now, you take this data tailor laws that specifically target the voting trends not the groups. Last, the people that enforce the laws look for specific keys to enforce the law, such as a last name “that does not sound American” or a woman.
In a democracy the only reason one would seek to limit a vote or change the rules on voting in such a fashion is if he or she felt that the “right people’ are not being represented; because, the “wrong people” are voting. So, one decides to make and enforce laws that ensure that most voters are the “right people”, such as blanket laws like poll taxes, questions to answer before voting, bean counting, and “proper” voting ID. Of course all of these are counter-productive to an actual democracy.
If we imposed a poll tax: say every voter had to pay $500 to cast a ballot…that would be fair because it would be imposed on everyone, right? Wrong. Limiting voting hours would be unfair to citizens who work two jobs or more, can’t afford daycare while going to the polls
Will, if you are not in the one percent but rather working poor then you are correct-being white will not save you. You are in with the rest. Not about racism but about making it more difficult for working poor.
It’s real easy. They send out a memo to close bathrooms and booths at districts that happen to also be districts with high populations of minorities. They pass laws to require a form of ID that requires travel to a county seat, knowing that those who live in urban areas don’t necessarily have transportation to get there, disallowing things like college IDs for ID, while allowing things like a gun registration to stand in for the voter ID.
Then there’s always the “oops, we lost some of the votes for that district” which they got caught with.
I am fairly well off, White, Male, a semi Christian …. That is between me and my God…. And think the Republicans really Stink……. If I said what I really think his would be DELEATED ….. The 1% is in Control of this country …. Thanks to the Surpreme Court…. And WE the People need to do something about it.
Exactly as I see myself, Charles, and I am not falling for the Republican BS either. What they are doing is completely unethical, if not illegal, but since when have they ever cared about ethics or morality.
Amen CJ, Amen !!
Are you people completely stupid? Do the research to see how much voter fraud there is . Then you can go hide under your beds.The election GWB, stole in his brothers state of Florida is a good example of right wing thievery. Besides direct targeting of black and brown neighborhoods with the change in voting laws there is one group that has been over looked. Poor whites urban and rural.. I lived through seeing people being denied the right to vote. I also went with my parents to see the process in action.
Instead of denying anyone their constitutional right to vote including black white brown,etc even the stupid and uninformed. Make sure everyone in this republic goes and votes.
There is no constitutional right to vote, which is part of the problem. If you think there is, please point out where you found it – but having studied it myself, I can save you time and tell you it’s never mentioned. If there were such an enumerated right, then laws impeding that right could be challenged. Sadly, we’re stuck with what we’ve got.
@Will – The cartoon simply points out that many Voter ID laws have *effects* that play out along race lines. The tendency of more “Joses, Joquindas, Lus and Bashirs” to find themselves in lower economic strata corresponds to the trend of greater difficulty setting aside the time and money that it takes to procure an ID at that socioeconomic level. The author thinks, as do I, that this is a knowable set of facts, such that the authors of the legislation at the very least accepted the resultant imbalance in passing such a law. Others might think that they *intended* to pass a law that would create an obstacle to voting for people who would have to choose between a day’s wages and getting the proper credentials to vote. Intended or not, the question of racism lies in what we do about a law that clearly will result in a negative impact on some races regarding their most important right and duty as citizens.
So…how exactly does someone with no ID to speak of, lose a days wages?
How does this person have a job? Illegally?
You need an ID to exist in the United States. Come on….
This country will always be racist and with the voters ID is a joke the republican is trying to make sure the put back a WHITE MAN to run this country.. The people of the lower class and middle class and some rich showed the people who they wanted and he won. President Obama being black showed White AMERICAN PEOPLE that they are not the only one that can run this country.. He open the DOOR for any race of people to be PRESIDENT. But white white American will continue to do what very they can to WIN..
Yup. The same group of people who want voter ID at the polls also believe our president’s own credentials that he was even born here were fake. Arizona SB 1070 allowed police to demand ID from those who they had a reasonable belief were illegal immigrants. God forbid they left their wallet at home when they went out to walk their dog.
Voter fraud??? Really??? It’s been proven there were countless dem voters who were dead already. I won’t belabor the point but will stand on this bite of crap-why does an electoral coeve need employment to define what the fuxkinv voter wants? Why do we need to sector the voters to cerry politicians? If you look at New York where I am from you’ll see they vote republican by a landslide excepting for districts trained to vote dem. How is that working for y’all by the way ?
I love cross country in a 30 plus year career in the military:…no matter where I was stationed I was amazed how many people saying we didn’t core for him . … And it was only said against Clinton and Obama .
Get rid the colleges (electoral) and establish a true vote. The we the people element has been silenced.
Calling us racists and other crap only takes us out the fight . Trust me- you want us to fight together.
Sorry Fred; people who sit on their head can’t read the ballot. My father had a dialog like you and I thought he was pretty smart. They I learned that if I just shut up and listened to everyone around me, there were really very few who truly thought the way he did. There is a reason that everyone around you is in agreement. Water seeks it’s own level and shit floats.
It’s working out just fine for the millions who now have health insurance, for the millions whose investments have grown by leaps and bounds, and for those who value having a leader with the best interests of all U.S. Citizens at heart. Turn off Fox News for a week so you can learn the truth.
Sorry does not wash. They have not been able to prove wide spread voter fraud. Thank god in PA the courts struck down our voter suppression law do to “Voting laws are designed to assure a free and fair election” because “The voter ID law does not further this goal.”.
The fraud is that these laws are trying to be passed to disallow legal voters from making their vote count.. Even by your post give misinformation about your trends in NY.,_2000,_2004,_in_New_York,_2008,_2012
We the people has not been silenced. There has always been an electoral college. Jefferson, Madison, Washington, and Franklin did not believe that the American people could or would be able to make the right choice. So they designed the electoral college.
I’m fine with the electoral college going away.If that had been the case in 2000, we wouldn’t have had the travesty of the George W. Cheney dictatorship. (Yeah…Gore won the popular vote..) And the voter fraud by the dems of which you speak….. same crap I hear spouted by the FAUX News crowd.. well actually, not so much now. Too many right-wing politicians have been caught on tape admitting the real purpose of these voter suppression laws.
It’s been proven that countless dead voters voted? Really??? Show even one study that has found that. For those of us living in the real world the facts are that the amount of voter fraud that has been found is less than half of a percent, and the majority of that was absentee ballot fraud, mostly perpetrated by republicans.
You seem to have trouble spelling or communicating coherently, but you seem to be asking why we need a census to establish congressional districts. The answer is that while the total number of representatives in the House doesn’t change, the Constitution establishes that the number allocated to each state will be based on a census every ten years. If the number of representatives changes in a state, then then borders of the associated districts need to change.
The problem with the way districts are being redrawn is that whatever party has the majority in each state gets to decide district boundaries. What has been done for years by both parties is what is called “gerrymandering,” named for a governor of Massachusetts who created a district that was so convoluted to ensure that the majority of voters in it were from his party, that it looked like a “salamander.” The last census was in 2010, when republicans won a majority of state elections, so most of the districts in republican controlled states are totally irrational, but ensure that no matter what a republican candidate does, there is little chance they will lose. Both parties do this and it should be stopped by having non-partisan commissions established to draw district boundaries, like they have in several states.
You only heard from people who voted republican because people tend to congregate with like minded people. In addition, people tend to hear those things that agree with their views and tune out those that don’t. It is called confirmation bias, and you seem to have an extreme case. The president won both of his last elections NOT through any fraud, but because the majority voted for him. He won a larger percentage of the popular vote than the electoral college would indicate. In other words he won fairly, and much more fairly than Bush did in either of his elections.
Voter ID laws, restricting voting hours, eliminating weekend voting, and all the other schemes being put in place in republican controlled states have only one purpose, to suppress votes from people likely to vote democratic. Why else would you have laws that reduce the number of voting machines in districts that have primarily minority residents, while increasing them in “white” districts, even though there are more voters in the districts in which the number of machines were reduced. This is really happening in North Carolina and other states. People said that Jim Crow laws sounded reasonable too. People like you in the late 19th century said things like, “what’s wrong with requiring voters to prove that they can read and write?” Of course the problem was that such laws tended to exclude only certain voters.
Voting is a fundamental right in this country, not some privilege. We should make it as easy as possible, not try to find ways to make it hard.
Lol .. Fred never heard anyone say anything against Bush. Now that’s selective hearing! Fred has it occured to you that you never heard dissent against a republican because of the circles you run in? You never noticed people with petitions and information about Bush, Cheney and Iraq?? Really? We had a world leader call Bush the devil at a U.N. meeting..maybe you missed that?
You do understand Obama won both the popular and electoral vote both times?
The American way of voter registration is weird…. in Denmark, when you turn 18, you vote… you don´t need to register… problem solved 😛
If the electoral college was not involved with the 2000 election, Bush wouldn’t have been elected.Oh how nice that would have been.
The funny part is that everyone can see the treachery of these practices. How could we put the shoe on the proverbial other foot to help with UNDERSTANDING? Hmmm! Let me think! Eureka! If it can be proved in a court of law that any 1%ter is not paying a living wage with an annual cost of living raise then the people (government) may freeze and take all assets both domestically and abroad. That is fair and applies to every entrepreneur no matter their race. Albeit, I think that law will impact one particular race more than the others. However, according to the logic of some on this thread that is equal application. Since those individuals tend to like playing the reverse racism card I brought along a little reverse racism satire. Check out this video on YouTube:
What these little neck republicans don’t understand is one day, only if you have an income of $250, 000.00 will you be allowed to vote. But stupid is what stupid do.
The best part of the Right’s voter suppression strategy will be watching it backfire.
Human nature 101: Keep a person from doing something and s/he will want it even more.
People who would have normally stayed home on voting day and watched their illegal download of Game of Thrones will now stand in 7 hour lines in the rain or heat, because these asshats in the Right tried to keep them away.
“Oh, you try and keep me from voting? OK, I’ll show you!”
While the cartoon is funny and there is some element of truth, there is an even bigger problem. We live in a classist society and the 1% keep themselves in power by keeping the lower and middle classes divided. The wealthy keep the majority divided because imagine the serious upset to the status quo if the majority banded together on a united front. All it would take would be a simple majority
deciding to boycott a global corporation like Wal Mart and watch how quickly the mighty fall. This is why the wealthy seek to pass laws preventing assembly and making it harder to pass the word out. A house divided ensures that it remains conquered. Racism could argguably be encouraged by the 1% because it keeps the majority further divided.
Yeah ! Only real americans should vote ! Thus , no black , no white , no asians , no hispanic, etc….. ONLY , real Americans . The Native Americans .
there is no voter fraud… by claiming voter fraud is the only idiots like george W. can get elected… oops there is another way… getting the supreme court to do it for you.
The whole voter I.D. law is just another non-answer to a real problem, unless we’ve magically turned into Afghanistan overnight (of which I never got a memo about) vote fraud here in America only happens when Fox news needs ratings. These restrictions of voters and refusal to make Election day a national calendar day are the actual forms of vote fraud.
When the voter restrictions include:
limiting hours (so people who work evening shifts, or dont get time off to vote cant vote) – it is targeting a class of people
limiting days (so people who cant take time off during the week) – it is targeting a class of people
The US is becoming less and less a democracy, between gerrymandering and voter suppression laws – the US is more and more like Russia
this is some ignorant sh!t. it’s common sense to require id in order to vote, don’t you think? is that too much to ask? after all voting is more significant than buying cigarettes, which also requires id. is having an id a privilege that only the rich can afford? wtf! if you’re not responsible enough to get an id, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
No, I don’t think it’s common sense, especially since the materials required to get many of these voter IDs are things that many people, especially poor don’t have. There are plenty of people, especially poor people living in cities, who don’t have a driver’s license. In lieu of that they are asked to produce a birth certificate or passport to get an ID, both of which would cost money to get if you didn’t have one. That essentially means that people would have to pay to vote, and there are plenty of people who couldn’t afford to do so.
The argument that “you need an ID for other things, so shouldn’t you need one for voting” is a red herring. Voting is a fundamental right, buying cigarettes is NOT. Voting should be as easy as possible. There is next to no in person voter fraud that has been found in any elections in this country, so requiring voter ID is a solution in search of a problem. Why pass these laws if there has been no evidence of fraud? There is NO need to do it other than because republicans know that it disenfranchises minorities and the poor disproportionally and those are constituencies less likely to vote for their candidates. The only reason that you and sheeple on the right think there has been fraud is because you listen to right wing media outlets who have purposely been spreading lies about this to support their drive to disenfranchise voters they don’t think will vote for them.
The Democrats don’t want these laws because they say the poor cannot get an ID without it being a hardship. The people who are running get huge amounts of money for their campaign, they could easily set up a system to help those poor people to get proper ID. I want all to get a chance to vote and would be happy to volunteer my time to help others get ID, I don’t care if they are Dem or Rep nut I don’t want the dead to vote on either side. Lets get people voting and get rid of the fraud so that one side or the other can no longer yell foul.
Scott, there isn’t any significant voter fraud. There just isn’t. Establishing voter ID laws is meant to prevent people who generally vote for Democrats from voting. That’s all. And you’re for this?
Laughable. To suggest that requiring someone to prove they are legally allowed to vote is somehow racist, is just laughable. Its hard to argue with stupid.
Yep, it’s hard to argue with how stupid you are.
You do know that Clinton, Gore and Obama all won the popular vote.
What is not wrong with it: your alive, you are an eligible US citizen, you are only voting once. It is obvious Marxist Liberals are trying to add the illegal aliens on as their voters. It would not be possible to convince informed productive voters to vote for Marxist, that have failed all over the world throughout time…so you have to lie, cheat and steal…
Nice incoherent rantings. Come back when you have something sane to say. People should be able to vote for whomever they choose and based on whatever beliefs they have.
First of all….. Voting doesn’t matter. Discussion on voter fraud or access to the polls is a distraction. The two party system is a scam. Outwardly, they discuss different positions but once they are in office a different (hidden) agenda is what is important and they are on the same side. The talk and what the media reports is to distract what they are really doing behind the scenes. Please look behind the curtain folks.
Not true, there is a real difference. The problem is that most democrats today are centrist rather than progressive, and republicans are bat$hit crazy to the right. You have been listening to the racist rantings of Ron Paul and his idiot son Rand a little too long.
Sorry…. Noyt Buying this. All the ID is needed for is to show #1 you are legally able to vote- ie. a legal resident, and proper age. # 2 you are voting at the right location and only one vote per person……. That’s all. It does not care about anything else….. all these other “complaints” of voter suppression, etc. are equally bogus…..
If you dont want IDs shall we do what other places and make voters ink their fingers after voting?
If you are too stupid to get an ID, do us all a favor and do not vote.
Hi Fred,
So you “love cross country”?
And you “didn’t core for him?”
And you mention an “electoral coeve”. What is that exactly?
I’m sure you have a valid opinion, but maybe instead of getting really angry and throwing random letters on the computer, maybe just take a breath and consider all sides. Remove the anger so that you can reply with your intelligence instead of emotion. If your anger allows you to miscommunicate so poorly on a public forum just think about how your anger can block ration thoughts from entering your mind. Relax and use your intelligence.
And people wonder why racism is still around. Because every god damn thing involves race. It’s sad really.
It should be easy and convenient to vote. It is a right that we should be encouraged to exercise. I vote by mail in my state. Simple, convenient, private.
Oppression by exclusion. Its the Great American way!
I’m from India and have been living in the US fora couple of years now…..I admire and respect this country and its principles of freedom , opportunity etc. However Iam equally amazed and saddened to see that even in this day and age voter suppression is used as a strategic tool by some groups. This country stands for democracy, equal opportunity and rights…..but I’m afraid you cannot be proud of the elaborate and systematic manner in which a large cross section of people are being prevented from voting.
In India, we have our share of problems – we haven’t figured out how to deal with poverty, corruption, abuse of the girl child etc…
But we are very proud of our democratic process…..
I wish the people in the US can shed their liberal vs conservative biases and make this country a role model democracy….
“In some ways, India is now ahead of the United States in conducting elections,” says this article-
I’d live to know who all these dead democrat voters are…FoxNews has really fried your brains. All of the voter ID/suppression initiatives are republican sponsored…fact. You people have found a great solution in search of a problem. You’re always waving the flag with the constitution in your other hand. If you were real Americans you’d be as concerned with increasing votership among our citizens. Wake up!
It is all just a ploy, for both sides, to pretend voting actually changes anything. They have to keep up appearances or else you might realize they are all puppets of the same corporations and military-industrial complex.
How many people, of voting age do not have some kind of ID/ My son who is 19 but does not drive has 2 ID.
As for those saying we should not have a law because some people will abuse it, why don’t we make murder legal since some people don’t follow that law.
I can”t understand how some people can be locked in a information bubble. You mean to tell me that every other News Agency in the country other than Fox News is hiding voter fraud?? If there was that much fraud it would be easy to detect and report on. All I can say is I hope you all pop that bubble before the air runs out. Remember your facts about the 2012 elections. Pop the bubble!!!
Where was this voter fraud law during the george bush era? It seems as though alot of us have short memories. It just seems ironic that when a republican canidate (who actually stole an election due to voter fraud) is elected POTUS, no one decides to make these laws. Now on the other hand when a (black) Democrat canidate wins the election by a landslide, it is due to some kind of “voter fraud”. Its not logical for people to believe that these laws aren’t selective and racist. There has never been a “voter fraud” incident of this proportion up until we elected our first black president. So who’s really being naive?
I’m going to volunteer to help people register to vote and get out to vote. I hope that despite the many voting restrictions proposed or passed by the right-controlled legislatures, everyone who wants to exercise their right to vote will do so. Given recent elections, such as in no-longer-red-but-purple Virginia, and given these restrictive measures, by right-controlled legislatures, it’s clear the current GOP party is afraid of people like me, multi-ethnic and female. It’s clear they know they cannot absorb me into their misguided politics; so rather than change from within or find ways to connect and engage with my community, they turn against legislation that would help me and turn for legislation that would restrict my rights. It’s not about voter fraud, it’s clear the GOP is afraid to lose more elections. Because they are losing. And they are losing by their own actions.
Fact Is;
In order to register to vote, & get a voter’s registration card, you have to have ID.
If you are voting for the first time in your state and are registering by mail,
Federal law requires you to show proof of identification the first time you vote.
This proof of identification includes the following (or if voting by mail, a COPY of the following):
A current and valid photo identification; OR
A current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or government document that shows your name and address.
Federal law does not require you to show proof of identification at the polling place or when voting by mail.
So there you have it.
You showed you ID when you registered to vote.
What I want to know is how do you tell if the fraud was done by a Republican or a Democrat? For instance, how do you know who registered this so called “dead person” ??????
This is a blatant lie. When you are required to show ID to buy cigarettes and alcohol, play in a casino, pick up prescriptions, open a bank account, drive, or do any of a million different normal things, only a liar bent on voter fraud will cry racism when confronted with the prospect of voter ID.
Make no mistake.. This is about consolidating power and keeping those other people (minorities) in their place. The right leaning court is helping the politically right of this country hold onto whatever power they can for as long as it can. From this point on, across the south, people on the left and people of color are going to have to become even more diligent about watching what is going on in their own local polling centers. The people on the right had better start paying attention, the more you close people out of a process, the more they react. If some small town in Alabama decides it’s going to keep people of color from voting and the Court has taken away the tools for them to fight back, things could get ugly in a hurry. The right had also better not get too smug and had better be diligent about keeping the process on the up and up, because what goes around comes around and that day of reckoning will come, probably sooner than they think and no amount of gerrymandering redistricting or voter suppression will be able to stop it.”
The stats on this are pretty clear, with voter fraud accounting for way less than one percent in any given election. SO,..If you take into consideration that this statistic includes both parties and the margin for error. Voter fraud does not really exist as a threat anywhere. Gerrymandering and voter id laws are absolutely about consolidating power.
You see, they legislated stiffer laws against drunk drivers, stiffer laws against driving distracted, stiffer laws against gun violence, & more.
None of these laws have collateral damages or affect the victims.
Why haven’t the conservatives legislated stiffer laws against those that commit voter fraud?
The answer….
Because there really is no out of control voter fraud as they claim.
Fact is,
Just like anything in our organized society,
You will find the occasional violator, but that does not make it a mass conspiracy by one group or political party.
It is quite obvious, .. the republicans by passing voter suppression laws under the pretext of preventing voter fraud and safeguarding election integrity.
These voter suppression laws take many forms, and collectively lead to significant burdens for eligible voters trying to exercise their most fundamental constitutional right.
Especially, poor, working class, & minorities.
My god the level of stupid here is astounding. Shouting down everyone who mentions voter fraud as being racists and GOP bashing… YOU ALL are the problem. Lets do our best to not have a reasoned debate, instead lets throw out insults, stats that don’t exist and for all the “FAUX” News bashing, not a single one of you have bothered listing any references to support your own points. How about the disenfranchising of the Military Vote? Here are some non-fox news sources for you to not read while you scream, pull your hair and call me a kool-aid drinking GOP anti-female racist bigot.–including-in-big-swing-states
Yeah, there’s not a bit of voter fraud done by Democrats, it’s all made up.
A little research and you can find a lot of information to use in a reasoned debate. Have your own opinion but blaming the Rich, the GOP, the White guys, ID laws and anyone other than your own damn selves for our current situation is just down right ignorant.
On the opposite hand, with frauds perpetrated in most means of schemes, insurance firms welcome all of the support, proofs and documentation that may be had.
It has microwave, refrigerator, TV, remote spotlight and generator which
feels you such as your home. The Prosecutor’s Office says it can be investigating to find out if there has been any criminal wrongdoing by APK.